About Us
Polaris Developments Group is an entrepreneurial commercial real estate firm that specializes in high complexity, heavy-lift value-add and opportunistic investments that require entrepreneurial solutions to transform distressed assets into thriving, submarket-leading product. We focus on introducing genuine, anticipatory hospitality to assets through integrated space & services, to create immersive user experiences and optimized investment outcomes. Informed by leading over $3B of asset repositionings and developments across North America in several different asset types and situations, the Polaris team is uniquely equipped to make the most challenging projects succeed.

Reawakening Commercial Real Estate Through Entrepreneurship & Hospitality
Succeeding By Helping Others Succeed
We succeed by helping others succeed - including our tenants, vendors, lenders, partners and the communities that our assets are part of. Our projects are focused on architecting & executing business plans that benefit everyone.
Entrepreneurial Solutions
Value-add and opportunistic investments require entrepreneurial creativity and industriousness. We author and execute heavy-lift business plans that seek to solve problems and to create value that wouldn’t otherwise exist.
Embrace Complexity
Informed by our experience in leading highly complex projects across North America, we don’t shy away from challenge and complexity - we embrace it. We pursue the most challenging situations because they present the largest opportunities.
Anticipatory Service & Hospitality
Hospitality should not be confined to hotel assets. We introduce genuine, anticipatory hospitality to all asset types, through owner-delivered onsite operating businesses that provide differentiated experiences.